Staff Directory
Christine Malally, Ed. D., Principal
Email: cmalally@cusd.claremont.edu
Phone: (909) 398-0300
Email: bhuff@cusd.claremont.edu
Phone: (909) 398-0300 x.66002
Heidi Hunter, Attendance Clerk
Email: 国外ip地址伟理
Phone: (909) 398-0300 x.66003
Condit has gone paperless for flyers sent home to parents!
Click the Peachjar icon to log in!
Welcome to our school! Condit School provides an environment and opportunity for all students to achieve their full potential while becoming responsible citizens and independent thinkers. Through our comprehensive instructional program and a nurturing, secure environment, students are empowered to become life long learners. We are continuing to celebrate the successes of our students through Awards Assemblies and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Assemblies/Events. Thank you to all of our students, parents, families and staff that continue to make Condit the best! We are having an AWESOME year!
Condit Elementary School's mission is to provide an engaging and rigorous curriculum that fosters critical thinking and develops skills for college and career readiness. We provide a safe, supportive environment that promotes character building, embowering students to become positive contributing members of society.
Welcome to the 2025-2025 school year! The Condit Staff and I are looking forward to another fantastic year filled with many exciting adventures. This year, we are seeing major construction on our campus from the Measure G bond. We are getting 12 new modular classrooms where our previous 1st - 6th grade playground was. Two of our first grade teachers, all of 3rd & 5th grade, as well as our BLAST program will be moving into these new modulars. We are hopeful that we will be able to move them in over Winter Break.
We are currently in the process of re-applying for our Apple Distinguished School certification that we were originally recognized for in 2017. Technology and innovation continue to be a focus in our classrooms, as we are preparing our students with 21st Century Skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Students in 3rd - 6th grade, including our SDC classroom, have access to 1:1 iPad, while our kindergarten - 2nd grade classrooms have a set of six iPad to use in their classrooms. All of the teachers have or will receive professional development to maximize the use of the iPads for instruction.
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Depending on construction, our hope is that our students will be able to participate in 100 Mile Club. Grades K - 3 participate on Fridays from 1:00 - 1:45 PM. Students in grades 4 - 6 participate in the 100 Mile Club on Fridays from 2:00 - 2:45 PM.
As always, I am so grateful for our Condit teachers, staff and families who provide such an incredible amount of support to help make all of our students successful. I have been able to see the amazing energy and passion we all have that is evident in everything we do. We continue to be thankful for the generous donations and wonderful volunteers. We could not do it without you! I look forward to being a part of each and every one of our students academic and developmental accomplishments as they grow this year. As a staff, we will continue our goal to make sure we look at each student as an individual, and guide them through to their success collaboratively. Condit is truly a unique and special place.
Please check your weekly bulletin for information on upcoming events, awards assemblies, and other special information. The newsletter will be posted on the website and can also be e-mailed to your home. I look forward to getting to know all of our students and their families. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at 909-398-0300 or through my e-mail cmalally@cusd.claremont.edu
Thank you for your support!
Condit ROCKS!
Christine Malally, Ed. D.
Claremont Unified School District is committed to providing a safe space for learning for each and every student, regardless of immigration status. For more information see Fact Sheet for Families and School Staff
Additional information can be found at the Los Angeles County Education Department's website.
For information regarding DACA
Claremont Unified School District se compromete a proveer un lugar seguro para la educación de todos y cada uno de sus estudiantes, independientemente de sus condiciones migratorias. Para más información lea la Hoja Informativa Para Familias y Personal Escolar.
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Para más información acerca de DACA visite el sitio web de la Asociació菜鸟小技巧:如何在网上隐藏自己的IP地址(2) - 51CTO.COM:2021-8-27 · 如果你不想自己搜索伟理,可伡去一些网站下载。目前许多网站都提供了免费伟理的地址,你用Baidu、Google搜一下Proxy或者免费伟理,能找到这样的网站。 3、验证能用的免费伟理 将网上收录到的伟理列表,保存为一个伡.txt后缀的文本文件,格式如下:
Welcome to our school! Condit School provides an environment and opportunity for all students to achieve their full potential, while becoming responsible citizens and independent thinkers. Through our comprehensive instructional program and a nurturing, secure environment, students are empowered to become life long learners. We are continuing to celebrate the successes of our students through Awards Assemblies/Events. Thank you to all of our students, parents, families and staff that continue to make Condit the best! We are having an AWESOME year!
Condit Elementary School opened its doors to eager young minds in 1958 and continues to welcome diverse families from many neighborhoods and neighboring communities. The school is located in Claremont, California, about 30 miles east of Los Angeles. Claremont is home to nationally renowned colleges, yet has a small town appeal. Money, a national magazine, ranked Claremont the best place to live in California and the fifth best place to live in the nation, according to economic opportunity, good schools, safe streets, things to do, and a sense of community.